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发表人:请搜 百里佳软件 发表时间:2020/9/20 11:49:00  


 本栏论题: Proficy Webspace Version 6.0 from GE Digital  [1141]

    ifix6.0 5.9破解QQ2081929739
    Increase operator agility and
    effectiveness to improve business
    Proficy Webspace from GE Digital offers an easy-to-use, full-featured
    Web and mobile client that enables you to extend, expand, and enhance
    your new or existing iFIX or CIMPLICITY applications systems from GE
    Digital. It enables full control and visualization over your company
    Intranet or secure Internet without the need to change or alter your
    software application and can be set up within minutes.
    With Proficy Webspace, you can reduce costs, improve time to action,
    and expand analytic capability—driving sustainable advantages across
    all levels of your business, including management, operators,
    engineering, and IT levels.
    Proficy Webspace Version 6.0 from GE Digital
    Deliver advanced control and visualization over iPad, Android, and a
    ifix6.0破解QQ2081929739 Proficy Webspace Version 6.0 from
    Web browser
    01 Extend your HMI/SCADA with the power of the Industrial Internet
    Proficy Webspace extends 100% of your iFIX and CIMPLICITY system
    viewing and control abilities into a Web browser or tablet. A “zeroinstall” HTML5 client allows you to your applications from popular Web
    browsers on Windows, Mac, and Linux computers. For MAC OS X users,
    a dedicated app multi-monitor support, client sound, and Max OS X
    Gatekeeper support
    Proficy Webspace doesn’t compromise your proven applications,
    graphics, or functionality— providing a full-featured client and delivering
    comprehensive functionality over a browser.
    02 Increase information sharing with flexible, secure-by-design technology
    With support for up to 70 simultaneous clients, Proficy Webspace
    enables new and existing systems to be dynamically expanded across
    the facility or globe. The solution enhances your user experience with
    the ability to run multiple Webspace clients and view many systems
    from one point. Additionally, Webspace allows you to manually
    configure a sandbox and white list entries for files and programs.
    • Increase information sharing across teams with a full-featured,
    secure-by-design Web and mobile client for iFIX or CIMPLICITY
    • Speed the right actions with model-based navigation and quick
    access to information over the Internet, anywhere
    • Save time with zero client configuration and the ability to port
    screens instantly
    • Decrease costs with one server that renders three applications on
    your choice of client, including iOS, Android, and browser access
    • Boost flexibility by dynamically adjusting control points on the- fly
    and viewing multiple systems simultaneously
    • Improve analytical and planning abilities with real-time data and
    information viewing
    Proficy Webspace extends your application viewing and control abilities
    right into a Web browser—without compromising features, graphics, or
    03 Gain full SCADA app -featured mobility with the functionality.
    Easily and quickly harness the power of your HMI/SCADA on iPad or
    Android devices with minimal engineering effort. Download the free
    SCADA app and instantly connect to your runtime projects, and leverage
    the same full-featured capabilities of a standard client with full
    HMI/SCADA functionality, including third-party app support with no
    screen conversions required.
    Thanks to the Mobile Sense technology, your application accessed from
    mobile devices, behave and respond more like mobile apps.
    04 Increased security
    Your application deserves the best protection. For that matter, KingScada3.7破解QQ2081929739
    Webspace leverages SSL/TLS Encryption (up to 256-bit AES) to ensure
    the security of the data that is transmitted over the network.Features
    • No restrictions on secure containment of thirdparty controls; launch third-party apps triggered in
    iFIX or CIMPLICITY, control elements operable
    within Webspace and inherit security setup
    • External access over the Internet, multi-tab
    browser support, remote access for debug and
    • E-signature enhances security and audit trail
    • Support displays with animations
    • View, acknowledge, and silence alarms and
    • Administration: Client disconnect, client session
    shadowing, SSL 56 bit encryption, port selection,
    maximum client limit
    Speed response to HMI/SCADA events and data by
    sharing information anywhere, anytime with Proficy
    Webspace for iPad, Android, and a browser.
    Software requirements
    Proficy Webspace has many flexible configuration
    topologies and can be installed either on an independent
    dedicated server or your main application server.
    • Server
    — Windows 10, 8.1 and 8: Professional and
    Enterprise Edition (64 bit)
    — Windows Server 2016 and 2012 R2: Standard
    and Datacenter Edition (64 bit)
    — Windows Server 2012: Standard Edition (64 bit)
    — Windows Server 2008 R2 with SP1: Standard
    and Enterprise Edition (64 bit)
    — Windows 7 with SP1 (x64): Professional,
    Ultimate and Enterprise Edition (64 bit)
    • Full VM Support including: VMware vSphere,
    Microsoft Hyper-V, and Citrix XenServer
    • Web browsers
    — Microsoft Windows Internet Explorer
    — Mozilla Firefox
    — Apple Safari
    — Google Chrome
    • App for MAC OS X
    Proficy Webspace Version 6.0 from GE Digital
    Deliver advanced control and visualization over iPad, Android, and a Web browser
    Hardware and software requirements are representative and may vary by customer deployment.
    Please consult the product documentation for more details
    Speed the right actions with model-based navigation and
    quick access to information over the Internet, anywhere
    • New Zero-install HTML5 client, no third-party
    software required
    • New option for strong encryption
    • New App for MAC OS X - simplified installation,
    multi-monitor support, client sound, and Max OS X
    Gatekeeper support
    • Client-side scaling support for high-resolution
    • Mobile Sense Technology Mobile for a better UX on
    mobile devices
    • Load balancing and high availability
    • Full-featured Web and mobile client for iFIX or
    CIMPLICITY—with one server and real-time data
    In the world of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), organizations are able to
    optimize productivity, reduce costs, and achieve Operational Excellence.
    While this is an exciting time for opportunity and growth, it can also bring on
    new challenges, questions, and uncertainty. No matter where you are on your
    IIoT journey, GE Digital has the right services offering for you.
    Related Products
    GE Digital’s HMI and SCADA suite helps you precisely monitor, control,
    and visualize every aspect of your operations, enabling operators to
    make the best decisions faster.
    Advisory Services We can help you plan and start your IIoT journey in a way
    that aligns to your specific business outcomes.
    Managed Services We can help you maintain your critical machines from
    one of our remote locations around the world using model-based predictive
    analytic technology.
    Implementation Services Our experienced global Automation partners can
    implement a collaborative, multi-generational program that marries your
    existing investments to the right enhancements and technology.
    Education Services We specialize in education services to ensure that
    you’re leveraging our solutions to the fullest extent with our training and
    certificate programs.
    Acceleration Plans Let us help by ensuring that your business continues to
    operate at its highest efficiency, all while mitigating risks to
    your investments.
    Cybersecurity Our solutions provide industrial-grade security for a wide
    range of OT network and application topologies.
    Gain visibility into your operations
    and secure agility for smarter
    decision making that drives results.
    Drive real-time visibility for smart
    operators with true client-server based
    visualization and control.
    Proficy Operations Hub
    A centralized environment for aggregating
    and visualizing contextual and situational
    information for industrial applications –
    supporting rapid application development
    and rich displays for faster operational
    response and better decision making
    Continue your IIoT journey
    Transforming your business requires foundational innovations that lay
    the groundwork for future success. It requires connecting assets and
    processes securely to drive operational efficiencies, reduce unplanned
    downtime and improve performance.
    Proficy Historian
    Optimize asset and plant
    performance through time-series
    industrial data collection and
    aggregation, leveraging Predix
    IIoT connectivity.
    GE (NYSE: GE) is the world’s Digital Industrial Company, transforming industry with software-defined machines and solutions that are connected, responsive and
    predictive. GE is organized around a global exchange of knowledge, the “GE Store,” through which each business shares and accesses the same technology,
    markets, structure and intellect. Each invention further fuels innovation and application across our industrial sectors. With people, services, technology and scale,
    GE delivers better outcomes for customers by speaking the language of industry.
    ©2019 General Electric. All rights reserved. *Trademark of General Electric. All other brands or names are property of their respective holders.
    Specifications are subject to change without notice. 06 2019
    About GE Contact
    Proficy Plant Applications
    Maximize overall equipment
    effectiveness (oee), improve
    production scheduling, and ensure
    product quality by leveraging real time
    production data
    Innovate and transform your
    business with the cloud-based
    operating system for the
    Industrial Internet, purpose-built
    for industry.
    Proficy Webspace Version 6.0 from GE Digital
    Deliver advanced control and visualization over iPad, Android, and a Web browser

以下是关于《Proficy Webspace Version 6.0 from GE Digital》论题的回复(共1篇)


 回复时间:2023/1/28 9:47:00

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