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所在位置:工控博客苑-- polluti-- enveloped with a layer of terror




enveloped with a layer of terror

发表评论(0)    发布时间:2010年7月26日  

    Description: Tirisfal was once a magical jungle, humans and high elves can practice their magic in that, through the forest stretches along Lordaeron, Azeroth and Quel'Thalas. After the third war of pollution, the land here has become part of the plague. Geographical features: Tirisfal extreme south-west in Lordaeron.wow power level Residents: Tirisfal is undead, ghosts, haunted places, and biological degradation. Quel'Thalas [Quel'Thalas] northeastern Lordaeron subcontinent is Quel'Thalas, which was once High Elves [High Elves] of the settlements. The Wizard in the third war, about 6,000 years ago Serbs exiled from Kalimdor to here, because they do not want to give up their valuable magic. They travel to Quel'Thalas and here re-established their own civilization. Thousands wow powerleveling of years ago, has been considered magical Quel'Thalas gathering place, a man named "Sunwell" the magic of the source provided for each of the high elves inexhaustible source of energy, the elves use of natural gained strength and power of immortal life. But this golden age is gone, when suffering the storm swept through the kingdom, and the capital of Silvermoon [Silvermoon] corrosion has become barren, those surviving elves had to leave their homes, they change her name Blood Elf [Blood Elves] to mourn the loss of all their ... ... *********************************** **** Silvermoon forest [Silvermoon Woods] Description: Silver on the forest was once a rich and vibrant forest. Is the high elves to avoid dangerous shelter, but Alsace and epidemic military crazy jungle cut and burned most of the remaining places enveloped with a layer of terror. Geographical features: silver forest occupied Quel'Thalas on most of the land, only a narrow passage leading to wow power level Lordaeron. Residents: High Elves used to be that of the people, but now living inside the undead, ghosts, and blood elves. Silvermoon City [Silvermoon] description: Silvermoon City is the capital of Quel'Thalas. Was once the center of High Elf magic society, has now been destroyed. Sunwell woodland [Sunwell Grove] description: Sunwell in Quel'Thalas forest is the source of the magic of the hinterland is Illidan Storm with a bottle from the Well of Eternity [Well of Eternity] The wells created. This piece of wood for the elves here to provide the energy. After the destruction of Quel'Thalas in Alsace, he used the Sunwell's energy regeneration of the Lich Kel'Thuzad. Kel'Thuzad and the Lich King's evil forces destroyed the Sunwell, the high elves have lost their survival energy, in order to express the military's resentment and revenge plague the determination of the high elves have put their names into the blood Wizard and vowed to root out the military dead epidemic.






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