如何安装WebSpace 4.8以正确使用CIMPLICITY
2020/5/11 How to Install WebSpace 4.8 to Function Properly with CIMPLICITY ka20h0000005GZqAAM | GE Customer Center
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How to Install WebSpace 4.8 to Function
Properly with CIMPLICITY
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Last Updated: 03/01/2018
Date Created: 12/31/2016
Categories: How To
This document walks through the minimal conƋguration steps needed to get ProƋcy WebSpace 4.8 to work with
ConƋguring WebSpace with CIMPLICITY
The following steps outline what is necessary in order to get WebSpace functional with CIMPLICITY with Microsoft
Internet Information Services (IIS).
Prior to the installation, the following will be necessary:
o WebSpace Installation media (DVD/ISO)
o CIMPLICITY Installation media (DVD/ISO)
o Operating System installation disk (necessary for the Microsoft Internet Information Services components).
o A valid WebSpace License
o A valid CIMPLICITY License
Note: The following steps must be done in the order in which they are listed. Skipping any steps may cause WebSpace to
fail to install properly on the system.
Installation Outline
The minimal steps that will be necessary to Install WebSpace with CIMPLICITY are as follows:
ii. Reboot
iii. Install the latest CIMPLICITY SIM
iv. Reboot
v. Install Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS)
vi. Reboot
vii. Install ProƋcy WebSpace
viii. Reboot
1. Installation of CIMPLICITY2020/5/11 How to Install WebSpace 4.8 to Function Properly with CIMPLICITY ka20h0000005GZqAAM | GE Customer Center
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Before WebSpace itself can be installed, CIMPLICITY must be Ƌrst installed on the system in question. It is possible to
install and run a project on a CIMPLICITY Server that is also running WebSpace, but it is not recommended. Ideally, it is
suggested to install CIMPLICITY (as a Server) on the WebSpace system, but to use it more as a CIMPLICITY Viewer, and
run the project remotely on another physical node. To install the software, use the installation media for CIMPLICITY and
ensure to install it while running as a Local Administrator account. When given the option on the installation splash
screen, choose to install as a CIMPLICITY Server. When the installation process Ƌnishes then reboot the system to
complete the installation.
i. Launch the InstallFrontEnd.exe from the HMI/SCADA - CIMPLICITY DVD/ISO
ifix6.0破解QQ2081929739 Proficy Webspace Version 6.0 from
ii. On the Front End choose to install a “CIMPLICITY Server”
iii. Go through the installation and let it complete
iv. Reboot the system when complete
2. Installation of Latest CIMPLICITY SIM
After the installation of CIMPLICITY is complete, it is necessary to install the latest CIMPLICITY SIM. If intending to use
CIMPLICITY 8.2, then a minimum of CIMPLICITY 8.2 SIM 47 must be installed. After the installation of CIMPLICITY, it is
recommended to install the latest CIMPLICITY SIM. To do this, please download it from the GE website and run the
installer. Again, make sure that the installation is run as a Local System Administrator account.
i. Download the latest SIM from the GE Support site
ii. Install the SIM
iii. Reboot when complete
3. Installation of Microsoft Internet Information Server/Components
Before WebSpace can be installed on the host system, it is necessary to install Microsoft IIS with the necessary
components. The following steps outline the installation of these components and IIS:
a. Windows 2012 R2 Installation
When installing Microsoft Internet Information Server on a Windows 2012 R2 system, it is necessary to use the
Computer Manager, and to run the Add Roles or Features Wizard. Using the Computer Manager select the Server Roles
i. Navigate to the Windows “Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Server Manager”
ii. When it opens click on the “Add Roles and features” link
iii. The Add Roles and Features Wizard will appear
iv. Click the “Next” button
v. On the “Select Installation Type” dialog, choose “Role based or feature based installation”, and click the “Next” button.
vi. On the “Select Destination Server” dialog, choose the local server and click on the “Next” button.
vii. On the “Select Server Roles” dialog choose “Web Server (IIS)”. If a dialog comes up asking to “add Feature required for
Web Server (IIS)”, click on the “Add Features” button.
viii. On the left hand pane, there should be an entry that appears called “Web Server Role (IIS)”. Select “Web Server Role
(IIS)->Role Services” from the list.
ix. Choose the following Role Services as per the list below:
Web Server (IIS)
Web Server
Common HTTP Features
Default Document
Directory Browsing2020/5/11 How to Install WebSpace 4.8 to Function Properly with CIMPLICITY ka20h0000005GZqAAM | GE Customer Center
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HTTP Errors
Static Content
HTTP Redirection
Health And Diagnostics
HTTP Logging
Request Monitor
Static Content Compression
Request Filtering
Basic Authentication
Application Development
.NET Extensibility 3.5
.NET Extensibility 4.5
Application Initialization
ASP .NET 3.5
ASP .NET 4.5
ISAPI Extensions
ISAPI Filters
Management Tools
IIS Management Console
x. When done selecting the entries click on the “Next” button
xi. Select the “Install” button.
xii. When the software installation is complete, then close the dialog KingScada3.7破解QQ2081929739
b. Windows 7 Installation
When installing on a Windows 7/Windows 2008 operating system, the Microsoft IIS features can be installed via the
“Programs and Features” utility located in the Windows Control Panel. In order to get to this utility please do the
i. Navigate to the Windows Control Panel
ii. Navigate to “Programs and Features” and click on it. The “Programs and Features” utility will open.
iii. From the “Programs and Features” window click on “Turn Windows Features on or oƉ” link on the left hand side.
iv. A dialog will appear on which the following options must be KingScada3.53破解QQ2081929739
Internet Information Services
Web Management Tools
IIS Management Console
World Wide Web Services
Application Development Features
.NET Extensibility
ISAPI Extensions
ISAPI Filters
Common HTTP Features
Default Document
Directory Browsing
HTTP Errors2020/5/11 How to Install WebSpace 4.8 to Function Properly with CIMPLICITY ka20h0000005GZqAAM | GE Customer Center
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HTTP Redirection
Static Content
Health And Diagnostics
HTTP Logging
Request Monitor
Performance Features
Static Content Compression
Request Filtering
Basic Authentication
v. Select the required options and click on the “OK” button. This will cause Windows to install the required
Note: It may prompt you for the Operating System media when doing this so it is recommended to have that available if
vi. After the required options are installed, then reboot the computer.
4. Install ProƋcy WebSpace
The next step is to install ProƋcy WebSpace on the computer. Launch the ProƋcy WebSpace installer, and choose to
install the WebSpace server on the system. Make sure that the installer is run by a Local System Administrator on the
i. Launch the InstallFrontEnd.exe from the WebSpace installation DVD/ISO
ii. From the menu choose to install ProƋcy WebSpace
iii. Accept the license agreement when prompted
iv. It is suggested to use the default installation location if possible, but this can be modiƋed as needed.
v. When prompted for a Logon, please leave the user name and password Ƌelds blank. This will set the
“ProƋcyWebSpaceAppPool” application pool in IIS to run under the provided account/identity.
vi. Let the installation Ƌnish, and then reboot when complete.
5. Install Required WebSpace Updates
Note: In order to install these required updates for WebSpace 4.8, the CIMPLICITY software on the WebSpace server
must be conƋgured with the following CIMPLICITY SIM’s a) 8.2 SIM 47 or newer, b) 9.0 SIM 19 or newer, c) 9.5 SIM 4 or
newer. The server must also have WebSpace 4.8 installed on it before applying these updates.
i. Download the WebSpace "ProƋcyWebSpace-v4-8-259-English" update from the following link:
https://digitalsupport.ge.com/communities/en_US/Download/ProƋcyWebSpace-v4-8-259-English”. Right-click on the
Ƌle and select “Run as Administrator” to begin the installation. Select “Install ProƋcy WebSpace v4.8” from the
installation window and select the default prompts that may be required through the conƋguration process.
ii. Download the proper WebSpace Compatibility Update 007 or 008 update Ƌle from the following link:
WebSpace 4.8 Compatibility Update - PWS48_CompatibilityUpdate_008_x64 (64 bit)
WebSpace 4.8 Compatibility Update - PWS48_CompatibilityUpdate_007_x86 (32 bit)
Right-click on the downloaded Ƌle and select “Extract All” to extract the Ƌle. Right-click on the
“PWS_48_CompatibilityUpdate_00*_*.exe” Ƌle and select “Run as Administrator” to begin the installation. Select the any
default prompts that may be required through the conƋguration process.2020/5/11 How to Install WebSpace 4.8 to Function Properly with CIMPLICITY ka20h0000005GZqAAM | GE Customer Center
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iii. Let the installation Ƌnish and then re-boot the WebSpace server when complete.
6. Verifying WebSpace is Registered Properly
When WebSpace is properly installed on the system, then it inserts a new website into the Microsoft IIS conƋguration
called “ProƋcyWebSpace”. To conƋrm if this is set up properly please do the following.
i. Open Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager
ii. On the left hand pane of the IIS Manager, navigate to “COMPUTERNAME->Sites->Default Web Site”.
iii. Underneath the default website should be another site called “ProƋcyWebSpace”. If this is visible, then the ProƋcy
WebSpace installation has occurred properly and it is available to be used.
iv. It is advisable to conƋrm that the ProƋcy WebSpace service is running. This can be done via the Windows Start menu
by going to “ProƋcy WebSpace->Start ProƋcy WebSpace Server”.
v. It is a good idea to also open the ProƋcy WebSpace administrator and conƋrm it is able to connect to the running
WebSpace instance. This can be done via the Start menu in the “ProƋcy WebSpace->Tools->ProƋcy WebSpace
7. Creating the Web Page via CIMPLICITY Options
The next step is to create the web page that will be used to display the CIMPLICITY CimView screen. This is done via the
following steps:
i. Open CIMPLICITY Options
ii. Navigate to the “ProƋcy WebSpace” tab
iii. Click on the “Create Web Page” button
iv. On the dialog that opens click on the “Browse Screen” button and select the CimView screen that you want to
publish to WebSpace
v. Next select the “Browse Page” button and on the dialog that opens (which should open to C:\Program
Files\ProƋcy\ProƋcy WebSpace\Web by default) type in the Ƌle name (i.e. myscreen.html).
vi. Click the “Save” button when complete
vii. Click “OK” on the Create Web Page dialog when done
viii. At this point the conƋguration of everything should be complete.
8. Validating a Client Connection
The last step is to conƋrm that a Web Browser from a remote node is able to connect to the ProƋcy WebSpace server
and is able to View the screen.
Note: Prior to executing these steps, please ensure that the “CIMPLICITY Project” or the “VIEWER” Process is running on
the WebSpace node.
i. On a node other than the ProƋcy WebSpace host system, open up a Web Browser using a local system administrator
Note: It is recommended that the Ƌrst time that you connect to the WebSpace host that a local system Administrator is
used to launch the browser. This is due to the fact that it must install a set of ActiveX controls and/or plugins and a user
account that has privileges to install it is needed. Once the installation is complete it will no longer be necessary to run
the web browser as an Administrator.
ii. In the Web Browser type in the following:2020/5/11 How to Install WebSpace 4.8 to Function Properly with CIMPLICITY ka20h0000005GZqAAM | GE Customer Center
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host = the name of the computer that WebSpace is running on.
ProƋcyWebSpace = the registered web site name in the IIS Manager.
Ƌlename.html = the Ƌlename of the html Ƌle created via CIMPLICITY Options in Step 6 (previously).
iii. The user will be prompted to install the ActiveX control/plugin. Choose to agree when prompted.
iv. When the installation of the control is done, it may ask you to restart your browser. If it does ask to restart the
browser, then do so, and again attempt to reconnect to the same URL.
v. Once connected, you will be prompted for a username/password. Enter in a valid user name and password for a
Windows user that exists on the ProƋcy WebSpace computer.
vi. Once the user is logged in then it should display the CimView session with the speciƋed screen requested.
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